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姓   名   朱慧玲 性  别   女  
院  系   哲学系 职  称   副教授
办公电话    研究方向  



  1. 教育背景:





  1. 工作经历:


  1. 发表论文:
  1. Zhu Huiling, “On Sandel’s Ideas of Civic Virtue”, Sandel and Chinese Philosophy, Harvard University Press, 2017.
  2. 朱慧玲,“论纳斯鲍姆及其能力进路对正义主体的拓展”,《道德与文明》,2017年第3期。
  3. 朱慧玲:“桑德尔的共和主义立场及其融合性特征”,《世界哲学》,2014年第1期。
  4. 朱慧玲:“共和主义的当代困境及桑德尔的解决进路”,《哲学动态》,2014年第12期。
  5. 安云凤、朱慧玲,“现代社会的双重诉求”,《哲学动态》,2012年第11期。
  6. 朱慧玲:“诚信的现代特征”,《道德与文明》,2012年第5期。
  7. 朱慧玲:“我国公益诚信缺失的成因分析”,《党政干部论坛》,2013年第3期。
  8. 李义天、朱慧玲:自由、权利与美德———桑德尔公民共和主义的核心观念及其问题,《吉林大学社会科学学报》,2014年7月第四期。
  9. 朱慧玲:“桑德尔访谈录”,《伦理学与公共事务》,2012年第5期。
  10. 朱慧玲:“孟子道德生成论之理论评价”,《金沙2004路线js5哲学学位论文选》,2012年12月。
  11. 朱慧玲:“思考、兴趣与哲学本科教学”,《大学教学改革研究》,2012年10月。
  12. 朱慧玲:“本科伦理学课程教法研究”,《教育创新:实践中的反思》,2013年12月。


  1. 译著:

1. 朱慧玲译,迈克尔?桑德尔著:《公正:该如何做是好?》(Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?),中信出版社,2011年1月。

2. 朱慧玲,陈文娟,谢惠媛译,玛莎·纳斯鲍姆:《正义的前沿》(Frontiers of Justice),人大出版社,2016年6月。

3.朱慧玲译,托马斯?斯坎伦著:《道德之维》(Moral Dimensions),人大出版社,2014年1月。

4.朱慧玲,朱东华,陈文娟译,迈克尔?桑德尔著:《公共哲学》(Public Philosophy),人大出版社,2013年1月。

  1. 译作:






  1. 主持或参与项目:
  1. 主持2014年国家社科基金青年项目:“罗尔斯与桑德尔之争及其当代中国语境解读”。
  2. 参与2014年国家社科基金重大项目:“我国社会信用制度体系与诚信文化建设”



  1. 所获奖项:
  1. 获得2014~2015年度金沙2004路线js5“优秀主讲教师”称号。
  1. 社会服务:
  1. 2014年两会参与草拟“关于加快制定“中华人民共和国公益事业法”,推进我国公益诚信制度建设的提案”,并获两会立案。
  2. 2015年10月~2016年1月,担任桑德尔公开课《公正:该如何做是好?》中国地区主持人,负责组织全国听众讨论和答疑;担任edx网站的助教。

Zhu Huiling’s CV

  1. A Brief Introduction:

I am an associate professor of Philosophy at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China. I hold a PhD in Philosophy from Tsinghua University, and was a visiting scholar at Harvard University from 2009 to 2010. I teach courses for undergraduate student and graduated students on political philosophy and Ethics since 2011. I have published many papers and translated several texts on political philosophy from English into Chinese, including many of Michael Sandel’s books such as Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? And Public Philosophy. I also translated Thomas Scalon’s Moral Dimensions, Martha Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice and a couple of articles into Chinese.

  1. Publications:
  1. Zhu Huiling, On Sandel’s Ideas of Civic Virtue, Sandel and Chinese Philosophy, Harvard University Press, 2017.
  2. Zhu Huiling, On Nussbaum’s Approach of Capability and Its Extension of the Subject of Justice, Morality and Civilization, 2017(3).
  3. Zhu Huiling, Sandel’s Standpoint of Republicanism and Its Characteristic of Combination, World Philosophy, 2014(1).
  4. Zhu Huiling, The Dilemma of Contemporary Republicanism and Sandel’s Approach, Philosophical Trends, 2014(12).
  5. Li Yitian, Zhuhuiling, Freedom, Rights and Virtues: The Core Ideas of Sandel’s Civic Republicanism and Its Problem, Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 2014(4)
  6. Zhu Huiling, An Analysis on the Reason Why Chinese Organizations of Charity Are Lack of Credibility?, Chinese Cadres Tribune, 2013(3).
  7. An Yunfeng, Zhu Huiling, The Twofold Appeal of Contemporary China, Philosophical Trends, 2012(11).
  8. Zhu Huiling, Interview With Michael Sandel, Ethics and Public Affairs, 2012(5).
  1. Translation
  1. Zhu Huiling, trans. Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?, Written by Michael Sandel, Citic Public Press, 2011.
  2. Zhu Huiling, trans. Moral DimensionsWritten by Thomas Scanlon, China Renmin University Press, 2014.
  3. Zhu Huiling, Chen Wenjuan, Xie Huiyuan, trans. Frontiers of JusticeWritten by Martha Nussbaum, China Renmin University Press, 2016.
  4. Zhu Huiling, Chen Wenjuan, Zhu Donghua, trans. Public PhilosophyWritten by Michael Sandel, China Renmin University Press, 2013.
  5. Zhu Huiling, trans. “African Philosophy in Our Time, written by Kwasi Wiredu, World Philosophy, 2017(2).
  6. Zhu Huiling, trans. “Transmodernity and Interculturality, written by Enrique Dussel, World Philosophy, 2016(2).
  7. Zhu Huiling, trans. “China's political culture on the offensive”, Written by Enno Rudolph, South China Quartly, 2014(6).
  8. Zhu Huiling, trans. “In search of trans-cultural focal points”, Written by Zhao Tingyang, South China Quartly, 2014(6).
  1. Research Project:
  1. The Debate between John Rawls and Michael Sandel and Its Signification for China, supported by National Social Science Fund from the Chinese Government.
  2. How to Built a Reasonable Institution to Make the Organizations of Charity in Beijing Reliable?, supported by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission.