- 教育背景:
- 工作经历:
- 发表论文:
- Zhu Huiling, “On Sandel’s Ideas of Civic Virtue”, Sandel and Chinese Philosophy, Harvard University Press, 2017.
- 朱慧玲,“论纳斯鲍姆及其能力进路对正义主体的拓展”,《道德与文明》,2017年第3期。
- 朱慧玲:“桑德尔的共和主义立场及其融合性特征”,《世界哲学》,2014年第1期。
- 朱慧玲:“共和主义的当代困境及桑德尔的解决进路”,《哲学动态》,2014年第12期。
- 安云凤、朱慧玲,“现代社会的双重诉求”,《哲学动态》,2012年第11期。
- 朱慧玲:“诚信的现代特征”,《道德与文明》,2012年第5期。
- 朱慧玲:“我国公益诚信缺失的成因分析”,《党政干部论坛》,2013年第3期。
- 李义天、朱慧玲:自由、权利与美德———桑德尔公民共和主义的核心观念及其问题,《吉林大学社会科学学报》,2014年7月第四期。
- 朱慧玲:“桑德尔访谈录”,《伦理学与公共事务》,2012年第5期。
- 朱慧玲:“孟子道德生成论之理论评价”,《金沙2004路线js5哲学学位论文选》,2012年12月。
- 朱慧玲:“思考、兴趣与哲学本科教学”,《大学教学改革研究》,2012年10月。
- 朱慧玲:“本科伦理学课程教法研究”,《教育创新:实践中的反思》,2013年12月。
- 译著:
1. 朱慧玲译,迈克尔?桑德尔著:《公正:该如何做是好?》(Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?),中信出版社,2011年1月。
2. 朱慧玲,陈文娟,谢惠媛译,玛莎·纳斯鲍姆:《正义的前沿》(Frontiers of Justice),人大出版社,2016年6月。
3.朱慧玲译,托马斯?斯坎伦著:《道德之维》(Moral Dimensions),人大出版社,2014年1月。
4.朱慧玲,朱东华,陈文娟译,迈克尔?桑德尔著:《公共哲学》(Public Philosophy),人大出版社,2013年1月。
- 译作:
- 主持或参与项目:
- 主持2014年国家社科基金青年项目:“罗尔斯与桑德尔之争及其当代中国语境解读”。
- 参与2014年国家社科基金重大项目:“我国社会信用制度体系与诚信文化建设”。
- 所获奖项:
- 获得2014~2015年度金沙2004路线js5“优秀主讲教师”称号。
- 社会服务:
- 2014年两会参与草拟“关于加快制定“中华人民共和国公益事业法”,推进我国公益诚信制度建设的提案”,并获两会立案。
- 2015年10月~2016年1月,担任桑德尔公开课《公正:该如何做是好?》中国地区主持人,负责组织全国听众讨论和答疑;担任edx网站的助教。
Zhu Huiling’s CV
- A Brief Introduction:
I am an associate professor of Philosophy at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China. I hold a PhD in Philosophy from Tsinghua University, and was a visiting scholar at Harvard University from 2009 to 2010. I teach courses for undergraduate student and graduated students on political philosophy and Ethics since 2011. I have published many papers and translated several texts on political philosophy from English into Chinese, including many of Michael Sandel’s books such as Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? And Public Philosophy. I also translated Thomas Scalon’s Moral Dimensions, Martha Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice and a couple of articles into Chinese.
- Publications:
- Zhu Huiling, On Sandel’s Ideas of Civic Virtue, Sandel and Chinese Philosophy, Harvard University Press, 2017.
- Zhu Huiling, On Nussbaum’s Approach of Capability and Its Extension of the Subject of Justice, Morality and Civilization, 2017(3).
- Zhu Huiling, Sandel’s Standpoint of Republicanism and Its Characteristic of Combination, World Philosophy, 2014(1).
- Zhu Huiling, The Dilemma of Contemporary Republicanism and Sandel’s Approach, Philosophical Trends, 2014(12).
- Li Yitian, Zhuhuiling, Freedom, Rights and Virtues: The Core Ideas of Sandel’s Civic Republicanism and Its Problem, Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 2014(4)
- Zhu Huiling, An Analysis on the Reason Why Chinese Organizations of Charity Are Lack of Credibility?, Chinese Cadres Tribune, 2013(3).
- An Yunfeng, Zhu Huiling, The Twofold Appeal of Contemporary China, Philosophical Trends, 2012(11).
- Zhu Huiling, Interview With Michael Sandel, Ethics and Public Affairs, 2012(5).
- Translation:
- Zhu Huiling, trans. Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?, Written by Michael Sandel, Citic Public Press, 2011.
- Zhu Huiling, trans. Moral Dimensions,Written by Thomas Scanlon, China Renmin University Press, 2014.
- Zhu Huiling, Chen Wenjuan, Xie Huiyuan, trans. Frontiers of Justice,Written by Martha Nussbaum, China Renmin University Press, 2016.
- Zhu Huiling, Chen Wenjuan, Zhu Donghua, trans. Public Philosophy,Written by Michael Sandel, China Renmin University Press, 2013.
- Zhu Huiling, trans. “African Philosophy in Our Time”, written by Kwasi Wiredu, World Philosophy, 2017(2).
- Zhu Huiling, trans. “Transmodernity and Interculturality”, written by Enrique Dussel, World Philosophy, 2016(2).
- Zhu Huiling, trans. “China's political culture on the offensive”, Written by Enno Rudolph, South China Quartly, 2014(6).
- Zhu Huiling, trans. “In search of trans-cultural focal points”, Written by Zhao Tingyang, South China Quartly, 2014(6).
- Research Project:
- The Debate between John Rawls and Michael Sandel and Its Signification for China, supported by National Social Science Fund from the Chinese Government.
- How to Built a Reasonable Institution to Make the Organizations of Charity in Beijing Reliable?, supported by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission.